Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful life events that anybody will ever endure, and for women, the burden can feel intolerable at times. It is not just about the breakdown of a marriage; in many cases, it also means the separation of a family. Although modern women are just as likely to work and earn as their husbands, there is still an expectation that they will assume the lion’s share of domestic duties and childcare responsibilities after the divorce, which adds to the stress they feel.
It is important that women who are facing the prospect of divorce take some time to understand the process [1] and consider their options and preferences so they can take control of proceedings and work toward an outcome that does not place them at a major disadvantage. It can be very helpful to work with a lawyer who understands women’s rights and can serve as an advocate for them in mediation and, if necessary, in court.
Ways divorce affects women
Here is a look at the main ways getting a divorce affects women.
Childcare responsibilities
Divorce will almost certainly signal a change in childcare responsibilities, and this can add significant stress to the process. Many women worry about how they will manage to care for their children as a single parent while also holding down a job, running a home and taking time to grieve and recover from the trauma of the relationship breaking down.
It is essential that women consider the extent to which they wish to share childcare responsibilities with their ex and prioritize achieving a mutually acceptable child custody arrangement and appropriate child support payments [2] to ease the financial strain of being a single parent while ensuring that the children maintain a relationship with both of their parents.
Financial challenges
Working women will still have their job after they get a divorce, but their income will now need to cover all of their costs rather than being pooled with their ex’s salary to provide a good standard of living. Women who were financially dependent on their spouse during the marriage will be in an even more precarious financial position post-divorce.
Although the state of Colorado is an equitable distribution state [3] in which marital assets will be fairly divided, it will probably be necessary for women to tighten their belts and make efficiencies in their spending post-divorce. Women must consider the extent to which their long-term financial security will be threatened by their divorce and seek an appropriate settlement from their ex that allows them to live comfortably until they can secure suitable paid employment.
Emotional toll
It is completely normal to feel sad or angry about the end of a relationship. Divorce marks the end of a marriage, and many women experience feelings of grief and uncertainty, which can make it hard to come to terms with what has happened and to plan for the future.
Divorce still attracts a certain stigma, and women may worry about the impact that it will have on their social status and whether their friends and family will support them as they go through this challenging period. It is important that women speak honestly with their trusted confidants and seek emotional support to help them deal with their emotions and move forward with their lives.
Essential legal considerations for women
Women must understand the process the divorce will follow. Being forewarned about time frames and potential challenges will help them prepare for what is to come. They must educate themselves about property division, spousal support entitlements, child custody and child support. They should make an effort to understand their rights and seek legal guidance where necessary to help them implement a plan to achieve financial security for themselves and their children after the divorce.
Women should also think beyond the divorce and consider what changes they will need to make to achieve future health, wealth and happiness. They should take time to enjoy their hobbies, work to establish new routines, and set themselves achievable goals. By considering their own well-being, they can not only reduce the emotional trauma of a divorce but rebuild their life and achieve future happiness.
There are support groups and counseling services available that can provide women with skill development, education and financial advice to help them make the most of the opportunities available to them, enabling them to face the future with confidence and resilience.
Choose a strong advocate
Divorce often has a profound impact on women, but by choosing a strong advocate such as Lewis & Matthews, P.C. and accepting help where it is offered, women can and do flourish in the face of adversity. To find out how we can help you navigate your divorce and achieve a mutually acceptable outcome for you and your family, contact us today.
[1] https://www.courts.state.co.us/Self_Help/divorce/
[2] https://childsupport.state.co.us/calculating-payments
[3] https://casetext.com/statute/colorado-revised-statutes/title-14-domestic-matters/dissolution-of-marriage-parental-responsibilities/article-10-uniform-dissolution-of-marriage-act/section-14-10-113-disposition-of-property-definitions