Mediation Services in Colorado
Disputes during a Divorce, Child Custody/Parenting, and Other Family Law matters can often time be fully resolved through the use of mediation services provided by an exceptionally qualified Mediator.
Mediation is a common alternative to litigation when it comes to divorce in Colorado, and while it is a process, as long as you are willing to work together amicably and collaboratively, you and your partner should be able to resolve your differences through mediation. Often times, divorce mediation is most effective in situations where both parties have the desire and the ability to work together amicably to resolve all issues in dispute.
What is Mediation and How Does It Work?
Mediation is a procedure in which both parties discuss their disputes with the assistance of a trained impartial third party (the Mediator) who assists them in reaching a settlement. Mediation is a non-confrontational process where couples who are planning to divorce can discuss and work on an agreement regarding issues such as child custody and visitation, child support, parenting plans, spousal support, and property division. Keep in mind that you and your spouse don’t have to agree on all of these issues at the start of the process.
The Mediator is neutral and doesn’t represent either party. He or she has no power or authority to make legal decisions concerning the divorce. Rather, they assist the family in focusing on the issues and making decisions amicably. As an experienced Mediator, I provide my clients with a neutral place where both parties can work together amicably to resolve their issues. During the process, I will help you by:
- Determining what issues are in dispute and what might motivate each party to settle,
- Pursuing and suggesting creative, and collaborative solutions,
- Ensuring that all parties trust the process and feel they have been heard,
- Ensuring that all reasonable prospects for a settlement have been considered and discussed,
- Guiding both parties towards the most painless possible resolution
No matter what the situation is, I go above and beyond to create a customized solution that fits the needs of both parties. The mediation process is considered to be more prompt, reasonable, and procedurally simple than pursuing formal litigation. In fact, mediation is often considered to be the most conflict-free, and respectful way to move into the next chapter of your life.
Compassionate and Knowledgeable Service
As long as you are willing to work together amicably and collaboratively, you should be able to resolve your differences through mediation. Divorce mediation is most effective in situations where both parties have a desire and ability to work together amicably to resolve all issues in dispute.

An essential element of a successful mediation is confidentiality. Participants in a mediation must be able to rely on the confidentiality of the process if they are going to be candid with the mediator about their settlement positions, and other sensitive issues. Guidelines for mediators require that anything said, any writing or any admission made during a mediation is to be kept confidential, and that would include the terms of the settlement.
Mediation also typically saves couples a significant amount of money in divorce-related costs. Couples pay just one mediator and can share that cost. Some clients, however, do hire attorneys for more limited representation, or simply for advice, along the mediation route. Usually, each party pays one-half of the mediation cost, but the parties are free to negotiate with each other in this regard or (during mediation).
When the mediation is completed, a detailed written divorce agreement is drafted. It’s that written agreement when finalized and signed, that becomes the cornerstone of the divorce. It’s what the judge will review in court, and it becomes “the law” between the parties after the divorce. After the hearing, at which the parties appear and the judge reviews the written agreement, the divorce is final. It’s legal, and it’s binding.
Denver Divorce Mediation
Mediation is a common alternative to litigation when it comes to divorce in Colorado. It is a non-confrontational process that allows families to talk out their issues.
In divorce mediation, you and your spouse — or, in some cases, the two of you and your respective lawyers — hire a neutral third party, called a Mediator, to meet with you in an effort to discuss and resolve the issues in your divorce.
The Mediator is neutral and doesn’t represent either party. He or she has no power or authority to make legal decisions concerning the divorce. Rather, they assist the family in focusing on the issues and making decisions amicably.
Divorce mediation can be used to resolve all of the issues typically addressed in a litigated divorce, including:
- Child custody and visitation
- Child support
- Alimony/spousal support
- Property division
- Parenting plans
(Keep in mind that you and your spouse don’t have to agree on all of these issues at the start of the process.)
As long as you are willing to work together amicably and collaboratively, you should be able to resolve your differences through mediation. Divorce mediation is most effective in situations where both parties have a desire and ability to work together amicably to resolve all issues in dispute.
An essential element of a successful mediation is confidentiality. Participants in a mediation must be able to rely on the confidentiality of the process if they are going to be candid with the mediator about their settlement positions, and other sensitive issues. Guidelines for mediators require that anything said, any writing or any admission made during a mediation is to be kept confidential, and that would include the terms of the settlement.
Mediation also typically saves couples a significant amount of money in divorce-related costs. Couples pay just one mediator and can share that cost. Some clients, however, do hire attorneys for more limited representation, or simply for advice, along the mediation route. Usually, each party pays one-half of the mediation cost, but the parties are free to negotiate with each other in this regard or (during mediation).
When the mediation is completed, a detailed written divorce agreement is drafted. It’s that written agreement when finalized and signed, that becomes the cornerstone of the divorce. It’s what the judge will review in court, and it becomes “the law” between the parties after the divorce. After the hearing, at which the parties appear and the judge reviews the written agreement, the divorce is final. It’s legal, and it’s binding.
Mediation does involve trying to make big decisions in your divorce case, so speak to the experienced legal team at Lewis & Matthews P.C. We will be with you every step of the way during the mediation process to ensure you have someone by your side who can answer your questions and provide advice and support. In the event that your divorce logistics cannot be solved through mediation, you’ll need to get a Denver divorce lawyer.
Meet the Team
Meet the people that make Lewis & Matthews, P.C. a trusted firm.

Jennifer Lewis – Managing partner Jennifer Lewis has been helping people since she got her license in 1988. Since then, she has practiced law in both federal and state courts in Missouri, Colorado, and Kansas.
Ms. Lewis has taken on cases spanning different areas of practice, criminal law, estate planning and probate proceedings, personal injury and medical malpractice claims, zoning and land use planning, and general civil litigation. While her focus is family law, her knowledge of other areas has been extremely valuable to her clients.
Her approach places importance on patience, practicality, and compassion. This has helped countless clients navigate the challenges they face during family law concerns.

Amanda Huber – As a legal assistant, Amanda helps with the daily tasks of sending legal correspondence and documents, preparing court filings, and scheduling, among other tasks. Amanda joined the firm in 2022 and has helped clients in all phases of their divorce.
Prior to joining Lewis & Matthews, Amanda worked at an upscale country club in San Diego, where she was born and raised.
Outside of work you can find Amanda wine tasting, gardening, and spending time with her beloved cat, Waffles.

Jackie Flanagan – Office manager Jackie Flanagan has been with the firm for the last five years. During that time, she has consistently made sure that the day-to-day running of the office is smooth and without issues. Being a long-term resident of Colorado, Ms. Flanagan also brings valuable insight to the table.
Counties We Serve
If you need family mediation in the following counties, we are the law firm of choice: