Divorce versus annulment: what’s the difference?
If you are married and looking for a legal way to end the relationship, you would be forgiven for thinking that an annulment is an alternative to a divorce. However this is not the case. Although the end result of a divorce and annulment is the same – the relationship is legally terminated – the […]
August 30, 2024
Can a non-biological parent seek custody?
As family norms continue to evolve and diversify, the definition of a “parent” now extends beyond biological ties. It has long been said that it takes a village to raise a child, and many individuals who play a key role in a child’s life may wish to adopt a new legal standing regarding that child, […]
August 22, 2024
Protecting women’s interests in property division and child custody in a Colorado divorce
Getting a divorce can be a time of great uncertainty for all parties involved, but it can be especially stressful for women, who may believe that they have a disadvantage in court proceedings. However, Colorado law strives to treat men and women equally in matters such as divorce, and having experienced legal representation on your […]
July 25, 2024
Divorcing without children
Divorcing when you do not have children together is usually a much simpler process than enacting a divorce in which the parties share one or more children. In a divorce without children, the process is based on the need to ensure a fair split of marital property, focusing purely on the facts and rarely straying […]
July 19, 2024
Overcoming parental alienation
Research shows that more than 13% of divorced or separated parents feel alienated from one or more of their children due to the behavior or influence of their ex.1 Known as parental alienation, this phenomenon usually occurs in high-conflict situations such as contested divorces when one parent sours their child’s relationship with the other parent. […]
June 26, 2024
Why you should consider a postnuptial agreement
In a fragile economic climate, it is particularly wise to consider what protection you can put in place to guard against unforeseen circumstances that could have a dramatic impact on your personal finances. While taking out medical insurance policies and finding ways to reduce grocery bills can be helpful, one consideration that is available to […]
June 5, 2024
When unmarried parents separate: What you should know about parental responsibility
Parental responsibility is an area that is made more complicated when parents are unmarried, and this is especially true when they separate. Without a divorce, there is no legal requirement to officially record their parental responsibilities, child support payments and visitation schedules, so it is up to the separating couple to find an amicable solution […]
May 30, 2024
Common causes for divorce and preventive remedies for couples
Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process, with reasons for ending a marriage as varied as the couples themselves. In Colorado, there is only one “official” reason for divorce – that the marriage be “irretrievably broken”. 1 But there are common themes that often lead to divorce. Here, we delve into the common causes […]
May 23, 2024
Estate Planning Under 40: Why to Secure Your Future Today
As a young professional, you might be focused on building your career, paying off student loans, or saving for a first home. While these are important milestones, there’s another crucial aspect that often gets overlooked or that people younger than 40 think they aren’t ready for yet: estate planning. Despite popular belief, estate planning isn’t […]
May 20, 2024
Relocating with children: the law in Colorado
Child custody is a contentious topic that arises in many Colorado divorce cases, and the possibility of one parent relocating with children is one aspect that is particularly contentious. While the law previously allowed parents to move at will, even when the other parent was opposed to the move, a relatively recent update now places […]
April 24, 2024