Category: Divorce

How Can Mediation Best Be Used In A Non-Contentious Divorce?

A lot of times, parties have decided to go their separate ways, but they’re not quite sure how to reach a final agreement, and they need assistance from a qualified mediator to get to where they need to go. Perhaps the parties have some disagreements about issues, but they’re not that far apart. Watch as […]

What is the Best Way to Leverage Mediation In a Non-Contentious Divorce?

How can mediation best be used in a non-contentious divorce? A lot of times, parties have decided to go their separate ways, but they’re not quite sure how to reach a final agreement, and they need assistance from a qualified mediator to get to where they need to go. Perhaps the parties have some disagreements about […]

What Are the Key Steps to Take If You Feel That a Divorce Is Likely?

What are the key important steps to take if you feel that a divorce is likely? Here at Lewis and Matthews, we do provide divorce pre-planning and divorce coaching. So if you think that you’re headed down the path to divorce, I would recommend that you come in and speak to me about your situation. I could give […]

How Much Will My Divorce Cost Me?

How much your divorce will cost you depends on a number of factors. The main factor is how contested is your case going to be? Are there children involved? Are there issues regarding parenting time? Are there issues regarding child support? Every divorce is different. To get insight into how much your Denver divorce might cost you, give […]

How Do I Protect Myself Financially in a Contentious Divorce?

How do I protect myself financially in a contentious divorce? Assuming you’re not getting along in the divorce process at all, my quick answer to that question is you really need to do divorce pre-planning if you have the ability to do that. In other words, preparation should begin ideally before someone has actually filed for […]

How To Decide To Have A Lawyer For A No Contest Divorce

Maybe yes, maybe no. Certainly people do it all the time when they have their own agreement, their own separation agreement, and their parenting plan. They go through the divorce process without an attorney. It’s done all the time, usually for financial reasons; they simply can’t afford an attorney. My advice is this: spend the […]

What You Need to Know About Your Credit During a Divorce

Of course divorce can ruin your credit. It really depends on the financial circumstances of your divorce. But, can it ruin your credit? Absolutely. It can also ruin your credit after the divorce. And that’s the one I’d really like to talk about first. When you design your separation agreement, in other words, how you’re […]

Can I Get Divorced in Colorado if I Was Married Somewhere Else?

The answer to that question is yes, and the answer to that question is it depends on the circumstances. Let’s just say you were married in the state of Colorado, and you moved, and you’ve been gone for two years, and you live in Tennessee. You can certainly get divorced in Tennessee. There’s absolutely no […]

Why Is Divorce Pre-Planning Important?

Divorce preplanning is something that we do here at Lewis & Matthews. It is a specific part of my practice. I think it’s one of the wisest things that you can do when you are contemplating divorce, but not yet ready to file for divorce. I think that people oftentimes have knee-jerk reactions in filing for […]

The 2 Steps You Should Take To Start Off Your Divorce The Right Way

There are a couple of things that you are going to need to do to initiate the divorce process. First, there are legal things that you do to start the divorce process. You will need to file a petition for dissolution of marriage. What’s the first thing you do? You file a petition for dissolution […]