Category: Family Law

What Is The Process For A Child Custody Case In Colorado?

First, you have to consider the mechanism that the child custody case is framed. It is in the context of a petition for disillusion of marriage, where you and yourspouse were married, or is it in the context of an allocation for parental responsibilities? That’s the mechanism where you and your partner were never married […]

What Is A Cohabitation Agreement And Why Might I Need One?

A Cohabitation Agreement is an agreement between two parties who are not married who want to live together. It’s important to get a Cohabitation Agreement if you are going to live with your boyfriend or girlfriend and you are going to acquire a property together. For example. You’re going to move in with your partner […]

What Are 5 Important Questions To Ask A Divorce Attorney Before Hiring Them?

The first question to ask any attorney is their degree of experience. Have they had a lot of experience in handling family law cases? Family law cases are complex. They have a lot of moving parts, so you want to find out how much experience that individual has in handling family law cases. I have […]

Can I Obtain Custody Of My Step Child In Colorado?

The answer is “Yes,” and it depends upon a number of different factors. If it’s a situation where you would like to adopt your stepchild, then you would need to show that the biological parent of the child consents to you adopting the child or that there has been abandonment or failure to support the […]

How Are Parenting Plans Created?

In order to create an effective parenting plan, you have to be realistic about your individual situation. Who has been primarily involved in caring for the children while you and your partner were together? How are you going to handle the logistics of the children after you and your partner separate? By that, I mean […]

Child Support Determination In Colorado

The first factor in determining child support in Colorado involves the income of the parties, the gross income of the parties. That is the first factor. The second factor involves a number of overnight visits that the children are spending with each parent. The rationale behind that is the more time the child is spending […]

Parental Responsibilities Evaluation

A Parental Responsibilities Evaluation is conducted in the context of a contested child custody situation. You and your ex don’t agree on what is in the best interest of the children, and perhaps you have concerns about the other parent’s mental stability, drug and alcohol use, emotional stability, and you don’t think that a Child […]

Can Child Custody Cases Be Settled Outside Of Court?

The answer is yes. Most child custody cases are settled outside of court, and reason why is that people tend to do better with agreements that they’ve entered into voluntarily versus agreements that are forced on them by a third party. Also, all the courts, unless there’s domestic violence involved, will order you to do […]

Spousal Support Determination In Colorado

Spousal support is also commonly referred to as alimony or spousal maintenance. The Colorado legislature has enacted a statute the involves basically a two part process. The first part of the process is running formula based on the adjusted gross incomes of the parties, so we look at the adjusted gross income of each party. […]

What Is The Process For Modifying Child Support In Colorado?

First you have to consider whether or not you have a basis for modifying child support in Colorado. Child support in Colorado is paid until the child reaches 19 years of age and then there’s some other factors which can come into play but essentially through age 19. Child support can always be modified by […]