Category: Child Custody
How is Child Custody Determined in Colorado?
How do Courts in Colorado Determine Child Custody? Colorado law does not use the word “custody” in its legal terminology; instead, it refers to parental “responsibility”, which includes decision-making and parenting time (formerly called “visitation”). In other words, the law distinguishes the right to make important decisions for the child from the right to actual […]
February 5, 2021
How do you Enforce your Current Parenting Plan?
The Court has broad powers to enforce court orders regarding child custody. If the other party in your child custody matter is not complying with the Court’s Order regarding parenting time you may file a Verified Motion Asserting Non-Compliance. The Court will respond to the Motion and any response from the other side within 30 days. […]
February 3, 2021
Do Grandparents Have Custody and Visitation Rights In Colorado?
In Colorado, grandparents do have the right for grandchild custody and visitation. There is a statute that allows grandparents to file a motion and establish their visitation in the county the grandchild resides. However, this can be difficult. The motion must be filed as an underlying action under such things as dissolution of marriage between […]
October 21, 2019
How Courts Decide Parenting Time in Colorado
Going through a divorce is stressful. While dividing property and other assets can be contentious, the issue that many couples struggle most with is how to divide custody and who gets decision-making control. If you don’t come to an agreement on your own or through mediation, the court will issue binding orders that you are […]
October 16, 2019
What To Do When Dealing with Parental Kidnapping
What is parental kidnapping and what should you do if it happens? Parental kidnapping is essentially what it sounds like and is no different from any other kind of kidnapping. In this case, a parent is seeking to take the children away from their legal guardian, hold them secretly, and prevent you from asserting your […]
October 4, 2019
What Are My Rights As An Unmarried Father?
Navigating the legal system for child custody as an unmarried father can be challenging. Several factors need to be considered when evaluating rights and responsibilities for fathers and families. It’s important to know which documents and regulations apply for your situation and location of residence. Every situation is unique and our experienced team of experts […]
October 1, 2019
What Is A Temporary Custody Order?
So, when a case is filed there will be an initial status conference set and the court will want to know whether or not you need to have temporary orders entered into your case. Temporary orders address custody issues while we’re moving forward towards our final hearing, so a temporary custody order can be one […]
August 29, 2018
The Cost of Divorce or Child Custody Cases
How Much Will My Divorce or Child Custody Case Cost? The easy answer to that is it depends. Family law attorneys who deal with divorce and child custody cases, typically charge by the hour, so the more contested your case is, the more it’s going to cost you. We typically require a retainer to be […]
May 14, 2018
What Is An Automatic Temporary Injunction?
Once a divorce case is filed or a case for legal separation, the court issues an automatic temporary injunction connected to the summons. In the summons, there is an injunction that prohibits you from disposing of assets, except in the ordinary course of business, from disparaging, harassing, molesting the other party and from taking the […]
May 9, 2018
What Are The Rights Of A Father Who Is Not On The Birth Certificate?
You can file either a paternity action or an action for allocation of parental responsibilities. As part of that proceeding, if it’s a disputed fact you can ask that a paternity test be done to establish paternity with your child. You can move forward with a court proceeding. If the question of whether or not […]
April 30, 2018