Category: Family Law
What Is A Temporary Custody Order?
So, when a case is filed there will be an initial status conference set and the court will want to know whether or not you need to have temporary orders entered into your case. Temporary orders address custody issues while we’re moving forward towards our final hearing, so a temporary custody order can be one […]
August 29, 2018
The Cost of Divorce or Child Custody Cases
How Much Will My Divorce or Child Custody Case Cost? The easy answer to that is it depends. Family law attorneys who deal with divorce and child custody cases, typically charge by the hour, so the more contested your case is, the more it’s going to cost you. We typically require a retainer to be […]
May 14, 2018
What Is An Automatic Temporary Injunction?
Once a divorce case is filed or a case for legal separation, the court issues an automatic temporary injunction connected to the summons. In the summons, there is an injunction that prohibits you from disposing of assets, except in the ordinary course of business, from disparaging, harassing, molesting the other party and from taking the […]
May 9, 2018
What To Do If A Parent Is Preventing Child Visits
What should someone do if one parent is preventing visits with their child? The first thing you need to look at is whether or not there is a parenting plan in place because that is what we’re seeking to enforce. If there’s no parenting plan in place, then either parent has an equal right to […]
April 15, 2018
When Do Children Become Emancipated?
In Colorado, child support goes until the child turns 19. So for at least for child support purposes, a child is emancipated when the child turns 19. In many instances, a child would have graduated from high school and might even attending college, but still, there will be a child support order. Child support can […]
March 30, 2018
Visitation and Child Support
If child support payments are not being made, should child visitation continue? Actually these are two separate issues. Whether or not you’re paying child support or receiving child support is a separate issue from parenting time. This is a mistake that a lot of parents make. They think that because one parent is not paying […]
March 26, 2018
What To Expect Post Divorce?
We have to look and see are there any assets that we need to complete their division. After the divorce decree is entered, a lot of times we are dividing up a retirement account. The issue then becomes is this a 401(k) account that requires a qualified domestic relations order? Is this a para or […]
March 17, 2018
What Is A Child and Family Investigator v. Parental Responsibilities Evaluation?
What is a Child and Family Investigator (CFI) as compared to a Parental Responsibilities Evaluation (PRE)? So when do you need one of these experts? The court can appoint a CFI or a PRE if there are disputes regarding parenting time, decision making, what is in the best interests of the child. A Child and […]
March 9, 2018
What Is Mediation & What Are The Advantages?
Mediation is a process where the parties try to reach an agreed-upon resolution of their situation with the assistance of a mediator. A mediator is a neutral third party who has been trained in the mediation process. There are a lot of different mediators out there. There are mediators that have been approved by the […]
March 6, 2018
What To Do If Your Ex Is In Violation Of The Parenting Plan
The first question to ask yourself is why is your ex is in violation of the parenting plan? Is there a specific reason why? Is it something that you could fix by having a dialogue with your ex? Does your parenting plan have a mediation provision? If it does, you might want to look and […]
February 16, 2018