Category: Uncategorized

What To Do If Your Child Wishes To Modify A Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is determined during a divorce and always aims to represent the best interests of the children in the dissolving relationship. When developing a parenting plan, several factors are considered, such as the wishes of the children and the ability of the parents to care for them. As children age, their views may […]

Why Power Of Attorney Is Important

There are many reasons an individual may wish to grant somebody else the authority to act on their behalf in legal, financial and healthcare matters. This includes when they are aging or unwell, particularly if they are facing reduced mental capacity as a result; when they are planning to be overseas for a period of […]

How Do You Modify Your Current Parenting Plan

Sometimes a change of circumstances or parenting concerns makes a parent wonder if they have the power to modify an order of the court concerning primary residence, parenting time, or decision making. In Colorado, different standards apply depending upon the given the level and kind of change that is being requested. Modification of Parenting Time […]

When Should A Prenuptial Agreement Be Considered?

A prenuptial agreement should be considered in almost every case. I do prenuptial agreements, and I encourage people to consider entering into a prenuptial agreement. That doesn’t mean that you think that your marriage is going to fail, but it’s important to define your rights and obligations going into a marriage, and a lot of […]

How Are Assets Divided In A Divorce?

Either you and the other party, or the Judge. You do have control over this process. I would encourage you to enter mediation with a strong mediator. Think about the way that you can divide up your assets that is mutually agreeable between the parties. It would necessarily be a compromise, but that is better […]

Dividing Marital Assets During Divorce

First off, we have to determine what is a marital asset. You have to look at any separate property that you might have. What is separate property? Separate property includes property that you own prior to the marriage. It also includes property that you obtained by gift or inheritance. Do you have any separate property? […]

How Can a Marital Agreement Benefit You?

A marital agreement is a contract between 2 parties. It’s typically what we call a pre-marital agreement which is a contract between 2 parties who are contemplating marriage. Colorado has enacted a Colorado marital agreement act so there are specific provisions. In this act that govern marital agreements. Parties who are already married may decide […]

What Factors Determine Maintenance and Alimony?

Maintenance and alimony is determined in Colorado based upon several different factors. The first factor is looking at the gross income of the parties. In other words, there is a formula that is utilized. There is a formula that is available online, and I have the family law software. If you come in and see […]

What Costs Factor into A Divorce?

How much will this divorce cost you? How much your divorce will cost you depends on a number of factors. The main factors are: It’s easy to determine income for purposes of child support if both parents are W-2 wage earners like teachers or firefighters. It’s a lot more difficult to determine income for purposes […]

What Marital Assets Can You Claim Without a Pre-Martial Agreement?

Under Colorado, parties can enter into a contract called a pre-marital or prenuptial agreement. In that contract they can agree regarding how their property and assets are going to be divided in the event that there is a dissolution of marriage. Also, in a pre-marital agreement, the parties can agree regarding maintenance, which is spousal […]